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This course is specifically designed to complement the new RSI online customizable RF safety plan. Participants taking the class, and utilizing a RF plan, will be well on their way to designing and developing an RF Safety Program (RFSP). OSHA requires a comprehensive RF program, to include training.

Through RSI’s BMP live course, and the easy to formulate customized online RF safety plan, attendees will be armed with the tools necessary to achieve the complete program! This course meets all requirements for RF safety certification; and by attending, participants will be able to immediately begin utilizing the information to develop their programs.

The half day course focuses on FCC and OSHA requirements, as RSI’s original Site Safety Awareness® course has done in the past, but it also goes in-depth on third party liability to the general public. This liability is shared by all on site to include the transmitter licensee and the site management organization. The site management group could be a condo association, a school, a church, a building management group, a city or county municipality, or simply an individual but the liability for the general public is the same. This liability is becoming ever so important as the ambient RF environment continues to grow.

This class follows recommendations for RF safety training specific to State OSHA requirements including NC, MI, and is updated with other new state standards as they are released. This course also meets the RF training requirements for AT&T, Verizon, Bechtel, Black & Veatch and most other major carriers and contracting organizations. 


RSI uses real world examples and experiences to bring these issues into focus with appropriate work practices for the student's understanding. Radiofrequency Safety International’s “RF Safety”™ training is recommended in order to understand FCC and OSHA requirements and learn how to be safe regarding radiofrequency radiation and other safety issues. Attendees in this class include individuals from OSHA to major carriers and contractors; State and federal municipalities to corporate and individual site management groups. If you can think of a sector within in Telecom, they have probably attended an RSI course.

Topics covered in this class include:

  • Updated FCC and OSHA Enforcement Actions

  •  Proposed FCC recommended signage changes

  •  Barriers recommendations

  •  MPE Overview/MPE Math

  •  Liability issues, both civil and criminal

  •  Personal Monitors / RF Suits

  •  RF Health and Safety Outline

  •  Time average programs when working

  •  Pass through programs

  •  Working in Hot RF area programs

  •  Site owner, equipment owner and Contractor   responsibilities

  • US Standards and The Law

  •  Steps to Compliance

  •  Multi-Employer Workplace

  •  Medical Implants

  •  Eye Protection

  •  Restricted Approach programs

  •  Updates on state rules

  •  Using RF suits and other PPE

  •  Work procedures when using RF monitors

  • OSHA’s ruling on Transient workers

If you have a Group of 5 or more you must contact the RSI Corporate office to receive your Group Discount.

Most RSI Courses are Approved for Category 4 Education
All RSI classes are approved for 50% reimbursement Motorola Co-op.

NOTE: Passing RSI courses does not in any way authorize attendee to present themselves as a RSI authorized trainer nor does it give attendee authority to utilize the RSI name or likeness in any form including advertising, training, or development. Only by passing the RSI Advanced Train the Trainer™ course, requesting RSI to furnish official RSI training cards, and paying the required fee per card, is an attendee allowed to provide their internal employees with training cards that contain RSI information. RSI Advanced Train the Trainer™ graduates are only authorized to issue cards to persons that are direct hires for their company that has paid for the training. These policies will be strictly enforced including taking legal action to protect the RSI name and material.

RSI closes registration 21 days prior to any scheduled live training; Registrations may be taken after the 21 day period, dependent upon space availability. No refunds will be given. RSI is not responsible for cancellations. If a class is oversold or cancelled, registrations will be transferred to the next available date in the local area. RSI will not be responsible for any expenses incurred due to cancellation by either party. All payments are due prior to the registration period; Refunds for missed classes will not be given. Satisfaction is guaranteed.

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