RSI’s standard Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) evaluation (NIER Report) can be a useful tool in determining whether a particular site needs further assessment, or if an installation of a transmitting device will cause concerns as to safety at a site.
This evaluation can also be used as part of a site database or inventory. Inventories are desirable at all sites to meet OSHA guidelines as well as to maintain pertinent records for site management. Properly updated and maintained MPE evaluations included in a site inventory can be utilized as part of a complete safety program and hazard analysis.
RSI’s standard Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) evaluation gives four pages of data per transmit antenna. Most of the information is in the format of tables and charts giving mW/cm2 at predetermined distances. The first page of the report gives a snap shot of the FCC modeled Uncontrolled/General Public and Controlled/Occupational distances and what the applicable standards are at the given frequency.
When applicable, a multiple transmitter chart is attached to give the percentage of responsibility for each transmitting antenna.
While RSI’s standard MPE evaluation gives you all the basic data required for determining the MPE for your transmitter, you may want to review the 4.1 graphical MPE which gives much more information regarding the regulations and what the data means.
For additional information call 888-830-5647 or