EME/EMF Induction Heating
Electromagnetic Energy (EME), Radiofrequency Radiation (RFR) is a PHYSICAL HAZARD!
OSHA has determined that electromagnetic energy (EME)/radiofrequency radiation (RFR) or non-ionizing radiation is a physical hazard since the early 70’s. RSI brings 40+ years of experience with industrial application EME/RF Safety and can assist with compliance.
We offer Industrial Electromagnetic Field Safety training courses, provide surveys, and assist with implementation of an overall EME/RF safety plan and program.
Because EME/RFR is considered a physical hazard, proper programs must be in place to ensure safety! This is just like noise or air pollution. Everyone knows about and has noise and air sampling done; the same application applies to electromagnetic energy emissions. Testing must be done by a qualified EME/RF Expert. Not only does this protect your organization from federal compliance concerns, it also mitigates potential for civil litigation because you know the facility is in compliance and safe.
Testing must be done by a qualified EME/RF Expert
Training must be done for workers who may be exposed to EME/RF above the uncontrolled levels so they can recognize and avoid the hazard
A Plan must be in place
The plan, training, and testing would formulate a
safety program as is required by OSHA
An important note: if you train your workforce, the uncontrolled standard goes away and they're allowed to work at the higher, controlled standard which was designed for workers. However, if the site is above the more stringent general population standard, then OSHA can issue citations to the facility for allowing workers to work because they are not fully aware of the hazard if training has not been conducted. | Read More (link opens a PDF file)
Within the Industrial arena, interest in EME/RF safety has peaked as more companies are becoming aware that it is a recognized hazard. There are several states that specifically require MSDS for Electromagnetic Energy/Radiofrequency Radiation Emissions under their HazCom (right to know) program. These include: Alaska, Hawaii, Minnesota, Washington, and New Jersey.
RF assessments are needed for the safety of the personnel in close proximity to these machines. Magnetic fields around some of this equipment can wipe out the memory of pacemakers or magnetize some medical implants. Items such as steel toed shoes and jewelry can be heated by this equipment as well. The possibility of contact current and induced current hazards is very real. In many surveys RSI has done we’ve found levels too high for those with medical implants to safely work! Things such as demag units, mag chucks, electromagnets used to move objects, generators, melting, painting/epoxy, arc heaters, induction welders, induction heating, certain diodes, heat sealer, some plastic welders, electronics boards ionization units, wireless and communication equipment, just to name a few, emit electromagnetic energy and therefore sampling must be done.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued new rigorous regulations pertaining to exposure to RF which became final on Sept 1, 2000. The FCC is now doing site inspections and enforcement of these rules. All RF heating units are under the jurisdiction of the FCC, they are FCC type accepted or approved. The new FCC standards are as much as fifty times more stringent than the old OSHA guidelines.
This means that employers with employees who may be exposed to EME/RF above the uncontrolled levels must train those employees in hazard recognition, and hazard avoidance. But how would you know if it’s above the standards unless a survey is performed to obtain baseline information?
RSI has trained tens of thousands of people, set the standard for electromagnetic/radiofrequency safety within the telecommunications industry, wrote the book on EME/RF surveys, and has been involved with industrial applications since the 70’s.