The only RF monitor you will ever need!
Only $599.99!

Main Features:
Frequency range: 50 MHz - 6 GHz
Covers all typical television and FM radio broadcast services and all mobile telecommunications services
Both E & H fields measured
Shaped probe response
Isotropic - total of 6 orthogonal E & H field probes
Voice recording ability
Keep notes on a bid walk
Record Serial #s
Data Logging - has an advanced E & H field data logger which records all your measurements - view data real-time
Runs on Standard AAA Batteries
Fall-detect & alarm
Harness fastening, wrist straps, "Grippy" design
Rugged IP64 enclosure
A special co-moulded enclosure with a base layer of polycarbonate which is typically used in riot shields
Water resistant
User interface
Bright LEDS, visible in sunlight
Auto power off after 8 hours of inactivity.
Single button operation
Operate with glove
Loud buzzer
All RF Safety Monitors should be fully understood and used as warning devices only. All products should be part of an overall safety program administered by a competent and qualified safety administrator that completely understands their company’s needs and goals. No PPM produced by any manufacturer or at any price point will have all functions necessary for all situations. OSHA 1910.132 requires hazard assessments and training for all PPE.